Sick Of This Market-driven World? You Should Be | George Monbiot | Comment Is Free | The Guardian

Where market fundamentalism has been most fiercely applied in countries like the US and UK social mobility has greatly declined . If neoliberalism was anything other than a self-serving con, whose gurus and thinktanks were financed from the beginning by some of the worlds richest people (the US multimillionaires Coors, Olin, Scaife, Pew and others), its apostles would have demanded, as a precondition for a society based on merit, that no one should start life with the unfair advantage of inherited wealth or economically determined education. But they never believed in their own doctrine. Enterprise, as a result, quickly gave way to rent.

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“Itu mengapa jika daerah kewanitaan itu dirangsang, akan muncul perasaan enak dan senang, ” tutur Adre. Oleh karena itu, memakai pampers biasanya membuat seorang anak tumbuh menjadi egois. “Bayi yang sering pakai pampers, cenderung memiliki rasa empati yang kurang karena jarang menangis dan bagian otaknya tidak terlatih untuk merasakan empati,” tutur Adre.

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